Friday, March 18, 2011

Method for the Meeting for Teachers

Methods of one program
Since PVCHR has many program for growing people as specialists and spread their idea with using democracy and human dignity, I'd like to share how they organize one program as an example.
1. Presentation  of  their work review by teachers who are from different schools, which PVCHR supports. For example, they give their achievements, weak points/gaps, fearless, needed help, how much they could get close to their goal.
2. Feedback from staffs of PVCHR ( Identify gap between their goal and their achievement)
3. Make new plan for next year by basis of the feed back.
4. Feedback for their new plan. ( give advise, such as be more specific, takes step by step, logical by doing analysis)
5. Make final plan based on SMART(Specific,measurable,assessable,Reliable and Time bound) programs.
6. Start to discuss among PVCHR and teachers about aim, budget, human resource, and way of their project.
- finaly by agreement with PVCHR, their plan will be supported.
* At the same time, individual review and perspective are made by them, such as what they achieved, and what and how does he/she wants to achieve for their plan, what kind of support she/ he wants to need from PVCHR. 
+Teachers could work more actively.
+Teachers could get much more clear perspective for their work.
+Teachers could take responsibility more .
+Teachers could feel ownership by making their working plan themselves.
+Teachers could learn how to analyse, think logically, making milestones, and taking step by step.
Teachers are going to train being specialists as social activists too!
In this way, PVCHR grows, develops and expand by training their value of democracy and human dignity through peoples' education based on pedagogy of oppressed.

Meeting of Teachers

School Baghwanala

School Baghwanala

Baghwabala that I often visit and see what's they are doing there. I'd like to introduce what is school Baghwanala to you.

School Baghwanala is located in dalit community village Baghwanala. The school is published by PVCHR with Indo- German society's support and others from 2010.

In Baghwanala, 128 students who 50 male and 78female are registered now. They from age 6 to 16 and schooling Monday to Saturday from 10am to 2:30pm. Some Muslim students who dropped out their first school due to family problem are also schooling from 2:30 after they do their works.

Teachers are 5, which 3 male and 2 female. Most of teachers teach more than 3 subjects and female teachers have all subjects in class for 1st grade and 2nd grade. In the school, students lean Hindi, English, Science, General knowledge, Social study, and Mathematics.

Monthly students have own students organized meeting and discuss about their issues in the school, home, village, community with there teachers and friends and share their own thoughts by showing in public. For teachers also, there is monthly meeting and some teaching training which organized by PVCHR.

PVCHR supports teaching materials,salary of teachers, and many programs due to that students are able to get free education.

Children were working as child labor for their family.

Children are learning not only subjects and also what moral is, how they have to behave for their life. Some graduated students are going to next school to be helped financially by Dr.Lenin.
Moreover, elder students role to guide younger students and influence their community more strongly and positively.

Tomorrow we celebrate Holly in the school one day before Holly in calabder with their classmates and teachers!

Teachers meeting

Monday, March 14, 2011

Police in India:mind of caste

Police are everywhere so finding them is very easy for people.
What most of police do in ur country?
and what most of police do in India?
Police are mostly from upper caste people in India.
Police behave strongly, confidently, and violently.
Police try to drink free Chai (Indian tea) with out paying money.
Police take Riksha (Indian taxi) without paying money. 
Police beat people very violently.
Police don't listen people's voice even in police station.
Police charge money for making document from people. (paying money is unnecessary for sure)
Police give advice that it's ur destiny so don't think to fight and follow that way to person who is lower cast.
Police come to villagers house suddenly and do whatever he wants, such as steal and abuse.
Police put people who are especially lower cast people in to Jail only to get points for stepping up their better career.
Police have strong connection with upper powerful people so they easily smash voice of lower caste people.
Putting police to jail is hard work due to most of social system is moved by upper cast people even though they do illegal thing.

Friday, March 11, 2011


What is your definition of "Friend"?

There is a story that shows how Indian cast or hierarchy system influence a lot for people.

There were a boy and a girl in same college as classmate. Gradually they know each other for example, how he gets mad, why she doesn't like carrot, who his favorite actress is, what she wants study more and so on.

One day he told her that we are good friend friend now. After  that she started to send e-mail and phone call more frequently to interact with him. In the classroom also, she sometimes sit next to his seat. Due to that he asked her meeting with one by one without anyone because he just wanted to share his parsonaly story with her.
However when she came to meet with him for talking about that, she told that she cannot do THAT for him. In his mind, he had no idea what THAT is. But after few second he got what THAT was. It was having sex with her. Then he understood what she misunderstood about his word "Friend".

In Indian Cast or hierarchy society system, which stick in people's minds so deeply with long term and still it exists. In this society, it is greta to see only one partner who are their girlfriend or boyfriend. That's why people became to think that "Friend" has having sexually more than just friend even though she is just one of his friend and he wanted to make her sure that he didn't have any interest in her as a girlfriend.

In your eys how does it looks?

Rights for our Hope

These rights are for people who are facing any difficulties and wondering their friends or family's safety by the big earthquake in Japan from us.

First, I'd like to mention about today's earthquake in Ibaraki- Fukushima area, Japan. M8.8 was biggest number in Japanese history of earthquake. In Japan, we've been facing many earthquake problems, such as Hanshin Awaji earthquake in 1995 that more than6000 people past away. Even though Japanese countermeasures toward  earthquake is quite good, many damages will be gotten due to big nature.

I hope less damages and many help for that from social, economical, political and humanity way.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hello for everyone!


It's my first day to work for this blog. I'm gonna sharewhat I do, know, see and face Varanas in India.
From my blog, if you know what's going on there, I'm really glad about it!!

Thanks for your visiting!



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