Friday, March 18, 2011

Method for the Meeting for Teachers

Methods of one program
Since PVCHR has many program for growing people as specialists and spread their idea with using democracy and human dignity, I'd like to share how they organize one program as an example.
1. Presentation  of  their work review by teachers who are from different schools, which PVCHR supports. For example, they give their achievements, weak points/gaps, fearless, needed help, how much they could get close to their goal.
2. Feedback from staffs of PVCHR ( Identify gap between their goal and their achievement)
3. Make new plan for next year by basis of the feed back.
4. Feedback for their new plan. ( give advise, such as be more specific, takes step by step, logical by doing analysis)
5. Make final plan based on SMART(Specific,measurable,assessable,Reliable and Time bound) programs.
6. Start to discuss among PVCHR and teachers about aim, budget, human resource, and way of their project.
- finaly by agreement with PVCHR, their plan will be supported.
* At the same time, individual review and perspective are made by them, such as what they achieved, and what and how does he/she wants to achieve for their plan, what kind of support she/ he wants to need from PVCHR. 
+Teachers could work more actively.
+Teachers could get much more clear perspective for their work.
+Teachers could take responsibility more .
+Teachers could feel ownership by making their working plan themselves.
+Teachers could learn how to analyse, think logically, making milestones, and taking step by step.
Teachers are going to train being specialists as social activists too!
In this way, PVCHR grows, develops and expand by training their value of democracy and human dignity through peoples' education based on pedagogy of oppressed.

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